Security Operations and the Defense Analyst


Security Operations and the Defense Analyst is the third course in this path and includes important concepts that can be the foundation of a career as a Defense Analyst in a SOC. This course is complemented by interviews with Splunk Security champions who provide additional insight into the analyst role and life in the SOC.

This is an e-learning course that combines videos with activities and knowledge checks. A quiz is available at the end and is required to complete the course.

Estimated completion time: 2 hours.



It is recommended to have a basic understanding of common cyber technologies and concepts including:

  • OSI Model
  • Networking concepts and common security tools
  • Common Operative Systems like Windows and Linux

Course Objectives

At the end of this course you should be able to:

  • Describe a typical Security Operations organization
  • Summarize the organization of a typical SOC
  • Explain the role of the Cyber Analyst and the tasks belonging to Analyst, Engineer and Architect roles
  • Describe common performance measurements for Analysts like dwell time, MTTD, MTTR, and how analysts can help define which metrics will be used.


Cybersecurity Operations

  • Introduction
  • Interview with Splunk Advanced Response Team Manager, Tony Iacobelli

The Security Operations Center (SOC)

  • Introduction
  • Common Technologies
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Interview with Security Strategist, Haylee Mills

The Cybersecurity Defense Analyst

  • Who is the Defense Analyst?
  • Interview with Director of Splunk Security Interlock, Katie Brown

Measuring Success

  • Common SOC Metrics
  • Interview with Tony I. and Katie B.

Words of advice from Splunk Security champions

Free offering